Friday, 14 November 2008

Swamp Draining Interrupted

" When you’re up to your backside in crocodiles, it’s difficult to remember that the object of the exercise is to drain the swamp."

Happy, fulfilled, stretched but supported people generally achieve the most at work and get the most from life. They drain a lot of swamps – and have a pretty good time doing it (strange though it may seem, for some of us, swamp drainage is a Very Enjoyable Occupation).

However, many of us face a few crocodiles … those subversive or even submersive, obstacles that get in the way of a productive, high achieving but low-stress kind of life.

Some of them we make ourselves, some of them are placed there by other people.

Some of them just are.

Sometimes there are seemingly pretty fish in the swamp, to lull us into a false sense of security. They can turn out to be just that; seemingly pretty fish, but really piranha in goldfish clothing, and even the crocodile should perhaps watch out.

Copyright 2008 Swamp Productions Pty Ltd

No, it hasn't been a good day!

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